A Confession


Some would call me a fool for spending so much of my time and energy creating music — thinking about it, planning it, obsessing over it. Some might say I am crazy.

I just listened to some podcasts earlier this week; interviews with Robert Plant and Paul Simon — giants of industry who each had their first hits by age 17. I’m not in the same league as them—probably never will be, but such is life.

I do have something to contribute to the cannon; entries into the lofty and by-all-means weighty tome that we call musicale historie.

Will anyone want to read or listen to the entry I make into said book? Time will tell.

But like it or not, this is my lot in life. To think, to plan, and to obsess over the creation of music. Who can argue with that? It may not be a traditional path, and as as I said, there have been and will continue to be detractors.

It doesn’t make me very much money, which is how the world measures success. But that to me is beside the point.

This is what I’m doing — end of story. I’ll do it as long and as often as I can until the day I die.  Whether it’s in the form of strumming a guitar, playing with synthesizers, or humming into an iPhone, this is what I do and what I will continue to do.

Some may say, “but you’ve never had a hit, and the music you make is strange and abstract. It doesn’t even feature a singer most of the time — how can you even hope to be taken seriously?”

And to that I say: so be it. This is who I am, and this is what I do. I tell stories with sound. Full stop.