Elizabeth Gilbert is a novellist who has written a bunch of books I’ve never read before, but I have heard of the one that drove her to fame, which is Eat, Pray, Love. I came across some writing advice from her recently which is 100% pure gold. Here it is.
You’ve been doing research your whole life, merely by existing. You are the only expert in your own experience. Embrace this as your supreme qualification.
Every writer starts in the same place on Day 1: Super excited, and ready for greatness. On Day 2, every writer looks at what she wrote on Day 1 and hates herself. What separates working writers from non-working writers is that working writers return to their task on Day 3. What gets you there is not pride but mercy. Show yourself forgiveness, for not being good enough. Then keep going.
Be willing to let it be easy. You might be surprised.
Use radically simple sentences.
Don’t worry if it’s good; just finish it. Whether or not your project is good, you’ll be a different person at the end of it, and that’s always worth doing.
Whenever you can, tell stories instead of explaining stuff. Humans love stories, and we hate having stuff explained to us. Use Jesus as an example: He spoke almost exclusively in parables, and allowed everybody to draw their own lessons from his great storytelling. And he did very well.
Your work doesn’t have to be any particular length, or written for any particular market. It doesn’t have to even be seen by another human being. How and if to publish your work is a problem for another day. For today, just write.