Just do your shit

The lesson of today is: no one really cares.

What I mean is, don’t get all bugged out or fearful about trying something new or different because you’re worried about how it will be received or judged. It really doesn’t matter.

Most people won’t give a shit because they are totally and completely consumed by their own life and what they are doing at that moment and what they are planning to do next. Admit it – this is how you probably operate, as well. You kind of have to just to get anything done. Anyhow, when it comes down to it, the majority of people won’t care about what you’re doing.

 The people who do care will either applaud it, or think it’s meh and carry on with obsessing over themselves.

Those who applaud really are the only people you need to give a shit about. They are potential fans, collaborators, and co-conspirators and therefore should be cared for and respected, or at least are worth having a conversation with.

Just do your shit.