The Vedas are an ancient body of knowledge that were never written down for millennia, only being orally transmitted and directly heard by rishis and their students.
The over 100,000 couplets composing the Vedas were passed down in word and song in this manner because the holy people studying them understood the superiority of mind over matter.
Paper and stone are subject to the obliterating effects of time. Memory and the tablets of the heart can never be destroyed.
“The principles that operate in the outer universe, discoverable by scientists, are called the natural laws. But there are subtler laws that rule the hidden spiritual planes and the inner realm of consciousness; these principles are knowable through yoga.”
The ancient yogis knew that matter is nothing more than congealed energy. With practice, they could manipulate it.
Christ, Patanjali, Krishna, Babaji — each knew their life’s trajectory from the very beginning. They lived only to give example that humans can transcend mortality.
Divinity in flesh gives us all something to aspire to — a concrete example of our own potential.